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Title I

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What is Title I?
Title I is federal money which is allocated to districts to provide supplementary educational support to Students. That word “supplementary” is key: instruction by Title I-funded staff members must be in addition to core instruction from the classroom teacher.


Kreiva Academy is receiving Title I funds for the 2022-2023 school year. Title I at Kreiva Academy is focusing during the 2022-2023 school year on providing additional support in mathematics and building students’ capacity for learning through social-emotional and executive
functioning interventions.


Monies flow to school districts based upon, in good part, the percentage of students receiving free or reduced lunches. Children receive Title I support because the additional academic support can help their progress. Family income has absolutely nothing to do with it.

Who provides the Title I supplementary support?
Title I support is provided by teachers and paraprofessionals in our districts. Federal requirements dictate that Title I paraprofessionals must have a minimum of two years of college or a Paraprofessional II certification.


Lisa Cohen acts as the Title I Grant Administrator for Kreiva Academy and may be reached at (603) 232-7974 ext. 1003.

When is Title I supplementary support provided?
Since Title I must be “in addition to”, a common way to provide this additional help occurs when other children are doing independent work. For example, a classroom teacher may set up centers in her classroom and children rotate through these different learning stations. Title I
support may be offered for one station, while others work independently at that station. Support may also be offered during
WIN (What I Need) time which are additional learning blocks dedicated to supplemental instruction of foundational math skills.

What interventions are offered during Title I time?
During W.I.N. blocks students use the IXL Math program to work on and build foundational math skills and support areas where students are below proficient on either the NH SAS or NWEA assessment. Eligible Title I students have the opportunity to attend sessions with a life coach as a means for building learner self-concept and to support executive functioning. Kreiva Academy has also invested in the Leader in Me program to build a culture that empowers students and supports intrinsic motivation for learning and school engagement.

"Targeted Assistance" and "School Wide" Title I Schools: What's the Difference?
As a year one Title I school, Kreiva was identified as a Targeted Assistance School. Since the number of students receiving free and reduced lunch is greater than 40%, Kreiva hopes to be designated as a School Wide Title I school for 2022-2023 which will allow for Title 1 resources to be made available to support additional students. Typically, in targeted assistance schools, fewer than 40% of students are eligible for free or reduced lunch. Children in these schools are eligible for Title I supplemental support if they have met academic criteria. Children exit Title I after a thoughtful school team process, a process which includes review of assessments and other types of data. Schools with 40% or more of students eligible for free or reduced lunch may apply for “school wide” status, and this provides more flexibility in how Title I funds are spent and in how children are served. All children in the school are considered Title I students, so Title I staff provide supplemental help on a very flexible basis (small group make-up changes as different skills are reinforced) and parental permission is not required.

What can parents do?

  • Talk to your child’s regular classroom teacher to gain specific information about your  child’s academic progress.

  • Ask your child’s W.I.N. teacher for a list of resources to further support your child.

  • Attend a Title I school event, to learn more about your school’s Title I program and gain insight on various topics related to your child’s growth, development and education.

  • Review your school’s Title I Plan, Parent Involvement Policy, and your rights as a parent, all available on this website.

  • Tell us what you think your school’s Title I grant should include. Email Lisa Cohen or Jenn Siegfried. Please do remember that we are obligated to provide supplementary academic support first.

  • If you have questions about Title I, or have feedback for us about the Title I program in your child’s school, contact us.

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